Mystery Shopping Project in Lagos, Nigeria

Mystery Shopping Project Uncovers Operational Challenges for Lagos Transportation Service Provider

The Challenge
A leading public transportation provider in Lagos, Nigeria, sought to identify and address revenue leakage and potential misconduct among staff members across its bus terminals and bus stops. Ensuring operational integrity and customer satisfaction was a top priority. In response to these challenges, the company engaged Webhaptic Intelligence to conduct a thorough assessment through mystery shopping services.

Webhaptic Intelligence deployed a comprehensive mystery shopping approach, covering 18 key locations and routes within Lagos. Equipped with discreet camera glasses. Our team conducted thorough on-site observations, accurately documenting staff conduct and operations.

The Outcome
The Mystery Shopping Project conducted in Lagos, Nigeria revealed several areas for improvement within the transportation provider’s operations, including revenue leakage, fraudulent conduct, and lapses in professionalism among staff members.

Based on the findings, Webhaptic Intelligence provided actionable recommendations to address these issues, such as enhanced staff training, stricter oversight measures, and technology-based solutions to prevent revenue loss. These recommendations empowered our client to proactively enhance efficiency, integrity, and customer satisfaction across its bus terminals and bus stops in Lagos, Nigeria.

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